What Could It Be?
What Could it Be?

Vibrations, like squeaks, are another way your vehicle communicates with you that something needs your attention.
They can be due to simple things like your tires may be out of balance or need rotation to more serious issues like worn suspension parts or ball joints, worn or warped brake rotors, or seized brake calipers.
Regardless of the source of the vibration, you don't want to let it go without attention. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
If the source of your vibration is as simple as your tires being out of balance or needing rotation, you'll get better gas mileage and your tires will last longer the sooner you have this work done. (Rayno Club members get free tire rotations as needed with any service they have done.)
If your vibrations are due to more serious causes, like problems with your ball joints or brakes, neglecting the vibrations can lead to a more costly repair or even an accident if these parts completely fail.
Determining the true source of a vibration requires both skill and expertise. Since the source of vibrations can be either simple or serious, it's also important to have your car or truck serviced by a qualified mechanic you can trust who will know the difference and only recommend service that is in your best interest.
We believe we can be that trusted mechanic for you and so do all of our loyal customers. Call Rayno today to make an appointment and let's figure out whether that vibration is serious or simple.