What Could It Be?
What Could it Be?

The most common source of squeaks are Belts, Brakes, Ball Joints and Bushings. Squeaks and vibrations aren't just annoying, they can be early warnings signs to help you avert being stranded on the side of the road or other disasters.
Fortunately, the sources of most squeaks are easily identifiable because a fan belt squeak is very different from a brake squeak or a ball joint squeak. But sometimes it takes an experienced ear to identify a squeak just like it takes an experienced ear to identify a bird's song.
The one thing most squeaks have in common is that they are signs of wear-and-tear. It's your vehicles way of calling out to you ahead of time that you need to get it to the shop as soon as possible. It's easy to think a squeak is something you can put off paying attention to because you're not likely to have a mechanical failure immediately that will leave you stranded the day a squeak starts.
But squeaks are not something you want to put off for very long. Squeaks are telling you that the days are numbered and counting down for a part on your car failing and needing replacement. If you deal with it early, you'll be able to deal with it on your own timetable and not have to be towed to the shop or worse.
When it comes to squeaks, do yourself and your vehicle a favor and call Rayno today to make an appointment to get your squeak checked out. The last thing you want is to breakdown on the side of the highway or cause an accident because your brakes failed or your ball joint broke.
You'll sleep better knowing you averted disaster when your squeak is fixed and you won't be so embarrassed to drive your vehicle.